Texas Narcotic Officers Association East Region
There are five levels of membership available to enable participation in the Texas Narcotic Officers Association at a cost of $40.00 for one year or $70.00 for two years (Receive an East Region patch and TNOA Member patch with a 2 year membership).
Active - Shall be any duly sworn member, regular or reserve, of any organized local, state, out of state, federal, or military law enforcement unit who has a concern about the drug problem in the state of Texas.
Associate - Shall be anyone who does not quality as an active member, has a valid concern in narcotics control, and is approved by the regional membership committee of the region in which he/she resides.
Sustaining (Supporting) - Shall be any person, firm, or corporation, who is interested in the advancement of the interests of the association.
Life - Shall be all past presidents of the association, or any member in good standing for three consecutive years prior to their retirement, and purchase a life membership.
Honorary - Shall be those persons deserving of recognition for their contributions to the association.